A great deal is made of only men wanting a no strings attached sexual relationship, yet women enjoy sex as much as men do. They also want sex often as much as men do and sometimes more. We know because we asked several women who enjoy casual sex. We also asked them to think of why they enjoy it and why they think all women should enjoy casual sex at some point in their lives.
1. It’s fun and relaxing
Why do we have sex? Mainly because it’s fun. If you’re not having fun when you’re having sex then you’re either not doing it right or you’re doing it with the wrong person. Yes, the best sex often comes in a committed relationship, but that is no reason to deprive yourself when you’re not with a significant other.
2. No strings & no commitment
Committed sex with someone you love is amazing. But like we said above, if you’re not in a relationship then there is no reason to deprive yourself. Casual sex is a fun way to have sex without any of the burdens or pressures that come with a committed relationship.
3. No empty promises
You don’t have to say things you don’t mean in casual sex. You don’t have to worry about agreeing to meet up with your partner for a drink or for a day out somewhere. In casual sex the only promise is that you both enjoy the sex as much as possible. Nothing more.
4. Setting Boundaries
With casual sex you get to set your own boundaries. If you don’t want to see your fuck buddy outside of the bedroom, then you don’t have to. The only thing you need to do is make it clear from the first fuck exactly what the boundaries are. Do that and you’re golden.
5. No emotional involvement
Unlike a committed relationship where emotions often come to the fore, you don’t have to do this with a casual sex relationship. No emotion means more fun in the bedroom. You don’t have to worry about what the other person thinks because you’re not going to see them outside of the bedroom. This also gives you an opportunity to try things that you ordinarily wouldn’t do in a committed relationship. New positions, new techniques…you can do it all. Not only is it fun, but it will leave you with a much more confident attitude in your sexual preferences so that when you are ready for a committed relationship, you know what you want and like.
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