Believe it or not, we don’t just match you with random buddies that crop up on our site. We do actually take the time to see what matches we think will suit you the best. How do we do this? We do the same thing all online dating sites do, we have an algorithm that helps determine your ideal match. The starting point is gathering data.
The first thing we need before anything happens is data. When we talk about data we mean things like where you live, how old you are and so on. The more data we get, the more accurate the match will be.
A study conducted in San Francisco recently concluded that the ways men view a dating profile is very different to the ways women view a profile. On average men spend 65% longer looking at pictures then women do. On the other side, women spend around 50% longer reading the text on a profile. So if you’re a guy looking for a female f-buddy you might want to think about padding out your interests a bit more. Words can be more sexually powerful for a woman then a well muscled photo. The more data you give us, the higher your chances of success.
This is the point that data can be manipulated and will affect the matches you receive in your inbox. We advise all of our members to be as honest as possible when entering their preferences for an f-buddy. The more honest you are with what you like and don’t like sexually, the greater the chance of you meeting up with your ideal buddy.
Should I lie?
We all lie. It would be pointless in denying it. The question is should you? I would always recommend ‘no’ especially when it comes to casual sex and encounters. The worst case scenario is that you meet up with someone who’s posted photos and preferences that end up being the opposite to what they actually look like and want.
There are ways to increase your match % based on the algorithm and they generally fall into two categories.
1. Be as honest with your sexual preferences, interests and desires as possible. The algorithm will convert this data into far more accurate matches for you and a potential partner.
2. Match your preferences, interest and desires to the maximum amount of women’s/men’s desires that can be found on site.
Both of these approaches have advantages, but the first edges the second a fair bit for one reason alone:
If you’ve lied what’s to say they haven’t lied either?
You could both meet expecting your ideal fantasy only to be confronted and caught out by the grim reality of lying.
Honesty + Algorithm = Ideal f-buddy
Online dating algorithms can help you find exactly what you want, but they rely on the data you give us. If we get flawed and inaccurate data then the algorithm is not going to be able to help us help you get laid.
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