You would think that in the last 50 years we have reached a stage where we can talk openly and honestly about sex and orgasms, but the unfortunate reality is that many women and men still surprised when they realise that coming at the same time is actually quite challenging to do.
Simultaneous O
It was in the 60s during the western sexual revolution that men and women both started to realise that having an orgasm at the same time was rare, and generally more liable to happen when you’d been sleeping with someone for a long time. Getting to know another person’s body well generally doesn’t happen in one night.
How can casual fuck buddies achieve simultaneous orgasm?
Is this even possible in a casual relationship?
Anything is possible. You just have to put your mind to it and you can come like bunnies together whenever you want.
Of course it does require a bit of work – something worth doing always does.
How To Come Together
1. Guys: Learn to ensure the woman can come pretty much at will.
Women find it a lot harder to orgasm during penetrative sex so to ensure that you can both come at the same time, spend time learning to read her responses. Don’t rush. Don’t panic. Chill. Spend time locating her clitoris and during sex make sure you can reach it with your fingertips. When you can feel you’re both close, rub it gently but with enthusiasm.
2. Women: Multiple Orgasms
Women have a distinct advantage over pretty much every man on the planet when it comes to sex; they can have multiple orgasms. But this is great for achieving simultaneous orgasm. Why? Because instead of just one target, the guy has multiple targets to hit. If the guy isn’t ready to come but the woman is, it doesn’t matter as he can wait for the next time she’s ready. The caveat to this element is again learning to read your fuck buddy’s responses well. This might take more than one session.
3. Guys: Learn to control your own timing
Younger guys tend to come a lot faster then older guys. If this happens to you there is nothing to be ashamed about – it’s just the way nature works. It’s also why many women like older men as they have learnt not to rush sex and make it last for hours coming only when they’re ready to. But learning to control your orgasms at a younger age is also possible. You simply need to relax and learn to read your body’s physical cues when you’re getting close. The moment you know you are is the moment you can slow things down. Withdraw if necessary and play around with your fuck buddy a bit before entering her again. This will help train your body not to get overexcited too quickly. In turn this will enable you to time your orgasm closer to a woman’s.
The Great Big O In The Sky
Simultaneous orgasms are not common even though some people still tend to think that they are. However they are achievable with a little patience and practice. Whilst many of you may think it’s not going to happen in a casual relationship, we can assure you that it can and does happen in any sexual relationship.
Go for the O together and happy fucking!
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