There has always been a drive to use technology to help serve our sexual desires. The early internet was driven by a lot of people wanting to file share sexy pictures of women. Even today, according to the Huffington Post, around 30% of all bandwidth is used for porn. Sex is one of the greatest drivers of the human race, so it is no surprise that this is the case. Futurama did an amazing episode warning what would happen to the human race if we all had sex robots. If more people were having sex, then I think that the world would be a happier place. The question in the article, is are we still waiting for sex robots, are in fact are they already here?
Sexual toys have been here for a long time. Items like vibrators have become normal and mainstream. That being said, we have seen a huge jump in their complexity. The new “micro robot” by Lora DiCarlo is a hands-free massager. No longer do you have to guide the robot or contribute in any way. You just pop it on and press go. This is a really big jump, as it now means that a partner really could be defunct. Wait, I hear you cry, there are lots of other things a sex toy can not do, right?
Sex robots are becoming more and more popular, and people are starting to not only have them as defacto fuck buddies, but also as romantic partners. There was a French woman in 2016 who got engaged to a robot that she had especially 3D printed to her specifications. This ability to design the perfect robot and have it custom created makes the coming of the fuck buddy bot more likely.
We have seen some people take it even further. In Japan a Akihiko Kondo got married to a hologram. The virtual reality singer was called Hatsune Miku, and whilst I do not doubt her amazing and never aging looks, this step to make a legal commitment to a non-human is an unusual step to say the least.
The question is how soon will the AI catch up enough for us to be able to get a physically functional sex robot that can also interact and talk in a way that replicates a human enough to be believable? I would say it actually only needs to be good enough to allow a person to suspend their disbelief that the robot is not really alive for it to work out.
Fuck buddy robots are here, and it is only a matter of time before they get more sophisticated.
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