Since the dawn of puberty men and women have been asking the same question: how do I know if he/she likes me? We really are quite bad at being up front about how we feel about someone especially when it comes to romance and sex. It’s rare to find a man or woman who just straight out says “Hey, I like you. How about it?” Instead we play complicated games where the rules are muddled at best. No one quite knows what they’re doing and everyone gets confused. So how do you know when someone likes you? Well there are some tell-tell signs to help you know and they vary from men to women. As men are often accused of being ‘emotionally retarded’ by a lot of women we thought we’d start by helping the men out.
You know she likes you when…
1. She rests her head on your shoulder
This is a classic sign that you’re being invited into her personal space by invading yours. The face is the most intimate non-sexual parts of the body. She wouldn’t be resting hers on your shoulder if she didn’t like you.
2. She keeps touching you
Women get just as nervous as men when it comes to attraction. If she keeps touching you randomly and softly then there’s a good chance she’s trying to let you know something bud.
3. She cosies up next to you
If she’s snuggled up next to you on the sofa and you think you’re just friends think again buddy. Would you cozy up next to a woman who was just a friend? No? Guess what? Neither would she.
4. She keeps brushing her hand against you
Once could be an accident. Twice could be coincidence. Three times is definite flirting. Don’t be an idiot when this happens and just hold her hand. It’s what she’s after.
5. She leans in and touches you
This is the number 1 (according to the women in our office) way a woman will let you know she likes you, particularly in a public setting. If she keeps leaning in and touching your forearm or thigh before leaning back and smiling you’d have to be physically dead (or a moron) not to know that she likes you.
What do I do?!
Even when faced with all these signals we still hear stories about guys who just don’t get it and carry talking to a woman blissfully unaware that she just wants him to kiss her and rip her clothes off 9 times out of 10. To those guys and to you reading this we say the following. The next time a woman rests her head on your shoulder, leans in and touches you, keeps touching you or cosies up next to you, don’t think just do.
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