When it comes to having sex, at any given point someone is leading the action. This is not to say that both people don’t want to have sex, not at all! In point of fact, the reason that most people would say yes to having a fuck buddy when offered is that most people want to have sex. This is regardless of gender, colour, age (if you are a legal adult of course!). Everyone wants to have a hook up, but for the hook up to happen, someone has to make it happen. There are times when two people meet, and things are so electric that the hormone driven lust takes care of everything… but even then, someone has to make a “move”, someone has to ask the other to come over for coffee, or take them by the hand and lead them to an empty bedroom at the party.
Who is leading the sex?
At the point of absolute sexual ecstasy, often there is no “leader”. You are moving as one, or as Shakespeare put it, you have become the beast with two backs. Till this point however, someone is leading. This can change and flip back and forth. Perhaps you are in charge when undressing your fuck buddy, then they are in charge when stripping clothes of their soon to be friends with benefits. For most of it, and someone is leading. So why should you step up and be the one to take charge in the bedroom?
Why you should be the one to lead
The biggest reason – to make sure it happens! If someone does not lead things, it is likely that you will not have sex. Sure, your fuck buddy might take charge, but if they do not there will be no sex if you don’t either, so better to be sure and step up! Do the other person a favour and help make it happen.
The other reason is that it is sexy! When you are leading things, you give the other person the chance to sit back and enjoy themselves. Since one of things that prevents orgasm is any level of stress, by leading it, you take away any feeling of stress or worry from the other person about little choices that make no actual difference. It allows your fuck buddy to relax and enjoy the experience more. The better the time they have, the better the time that you will have in the moment, and the more likely they are to come back for more if you want them to.
So take the lead a little, you will be doing you both a favour!
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