So you meet a girl, she is a real honey and you want to drag this girl back to your cave as soon as humanly possible. You hope to turn her into one of your fuck buddies, maybe an occasional hook up booty, but you would happily accepts a one night stand if that was what was on offer. She wants it too, and is keen to meet up. She then drops the bomb… “lets go watch a film”. Now your instinct would be to go watch something romantic like a romcom. Your instinct is wrong, and you must ignore it. Here is why.
Romcoms set the bar at impossible levels
You think that RomComs are all romantic and the perfect date film. You are wholly incorrect. When we watch a film, it takes us into the world and allows us to live in that world for 90minutes. When we return back to reality, we cannot help but compare the world of the film to the world as we actually live in it… and this creates an inevitable sexual disappointment. No one in real life ever has sex like they do in the films. It is physically impossible, that is simply not the world that we live in! Real life can never be as smooth as it is in the films, you can never be as swave as james bond, as rich as Bruce Waine, as dark and dangerously handsome as the punisher. It is impossible, which means that when you take her home, no matter how much of a stallion you are, you will not be any where as good as what she is comparing you to, which is a non existent fantasy. A lie. Do not do this.
…allow me to offer you an alternative…
Horror films are the way to go!
Horror films are the perfect choice. Before you stop reading, bear with me. A horror film shows you a world that you would never want to inhabit, a place that you are not only glad you do not live it, that cannot wait to stop being a visitor in. When you return to reality, it is amazing. You love yourself, your life, and the person that you are with. The fear from the film has also spiked emotions so that you really want to have sex (fear does that) and you are ready to orgasm like never before. Your fuck buddy will keep coming back for more, because you took her from a dark, horrible world of death and ruin, to organically happy sexual heaven.
RomComs are a poor choice, but horror films on the other hand are your new best friend.
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