How to have angry sex, and why it is great
Sex is amazing. It comes in all sorts of different flavours. You can have fast sex and slow sex, soft sex and rough sex, sex where you make love to the other person and sex where you are just fucking their brains out. The best sex is also driven by emotion. Usually these emotions include a lot of lust mixed in with desire and some frustration (that you are seeking to release). The one type of sex that people rarely have is angry sex. Angry sex can be great, but it must be done in the right way. In this article, I am going to tell you why angry sex can be amazing and help you with some...
Meet our latest member: Charlotte
The many people that join this website are all looking for different things. Some people want a quick one off fuck, other are looking for a more medium term fuck buddy, you know more regular access to sex. Some people don’t really even know what they are looking for, they just know that they want to get laid, and that this is a great place to try and make that happen. In this, they would be 100% correct. This is the perfect place to make it happen. The one thing everyone has here in common in that they love and want to have more sex, so you are amongst friends!
Some people are...
Whether you are dominant or submissive, seek the opposite for great sex
Compatibility is the key to having a great time in bed with someone. People often mistake sexual compatibility with character similarities. This is far from the truth! Whilst it is necessary to have a certain shared foundation for the way that we view the world, the key is to find someone that balances where you sit on the sexual spectrum. Whilst there are many area’s that one could talk about, for the purposes of this article, I am going to focus on just one area, and that is where you sit on the scale of sexual assertiveness.
How you are in life is not how you are in the...
Is There a Problem With Vanilla Sex?
To say that someone is ‘kinky’ or ‘vanilla’ is to ignore the wide and varied world of fetishes and sexual preferences nestled under the umbrella term of ‘kinky’. Simply put, it’s hard to say someone is truly vanilla or kinky. Everyone is different and everyone has different ways to enjoy their sexuality. Just because you enjoy being spanked does not mean you are into BDSM. Just because you enjoy having sex in the missionary position, does not mean you only enjoy having vanilla sex. As a culture, humans are obsessed with labelling things. You have to fit one label or another or we...
Top 5 Weirdest things people ask for during sex
Everyone has a kink. Whether they want to admit it or not, kinks are part of who we are. We might not even know that we have a kink until someone does something that exposes us to it. But some kinks are so odd, that many partners sometimes wonder “What the fuck?!” in their heads, even if they just nod and smile to their buddy. Kinks are perfectly normal so don’t get too worried if you think you shouldn’t explore yours. However, there are some things that people ask for during sex that are just plain weird.
1. Suck my toes whilst fucking me
Some people have a foot...
Why Fifty Shades is Bad for Bondage
The release of the hotly anticipated movie of the badly written book about bondage is here! In it you’ll find:
• Unrealistic depictions of BDSM!
• A plot line that tries to make women think it’s okay for a guy to hurt them as long as they’ve signed a consent form
• Lessons teaching young women that men will run away unless you let them hurt you
What. The. Fuck?!
Yep. Fifty Shades (I read it!) really does contain all the material I mention above and more! Experience awful dialogue! Repetition of the same words and phrases...
Fifty Shades of Nonsense?
Kinky sex. It’s happening all the time. Never has it been brought to the mainstream in the past few years as much as it has since Fifty Shades of Grey was first published in 2011. Millions of middle class white women (predominantly Mum’s) have rabidly absorbed the books since then. The movie rights were bought in 2012 and now three years later the first of a planned trilogy has been released into theatres worldwide. But some troubling questions remain. Is Fifty Shades of Grey a true depiction of BDSM? If it isn’t, is that dangerous to people exploring BDSM for the first time?
...The demand for dominance
There is something often not talked about in the world of dating and that is the demand for dominance. One top fantasy that women report to have is around the dominant man. Now to anyone who has seen the figures for the massive success of cheesy badly written 50 shades of grey, (which is now due to have a film adaptation to be releases next year in February) this is not going to come as a massive surprise.
What is a less well known is it is also one of men top fantasies! In general the fantasy to submit to someone sexual ranks as one of the top fantasy with both men and women....