being alpha
Over investing can cause you to lose your woman
You meet
One day you meet someone. Perhaps you meet them through work, maybe you meet them whilst on a train or a bus. Lots of people are meeting people online, through dating sites or more progressive websites like f-buddy. It doesn’t matter how you find someone, but let’s say you find a woman.
Things Progress
Things move along nicely. At a speed that is comfortable to you, you hug, then kiss, then you are fucking her. The sex starts off as okay (as it usually does with a new person) but then this quickly progress’s along to being...
Tell yourself you are a Sex god - and you will be
There are lots of things that you need to do in order to be great in bed. Staying generally fit and healthy is a foundation stone of this that means getting some exercise and eating reasonably healthy foods. I am not telling you that you have to stop drinking or being fun in any way, just try and make sure that you get some vitamins into your system now and then, and don’t eat too much sugar that’s a real body killer. What would you prefer? A chocolate bar or great sex? Well that’s the choice you get to make!
Nerves are a killer
Nervousness can be a real turn...
Make decisions – its sexy
As a man – and yes I am specifically talking to all the gentlemen out there who are reading this blog – to stay sexy it is important to be make decisions. It doesn’t even matter if those decisions are good or bad for the most part, most decisions you make in life actually really don’t matter in the bigger picture. The important thing to do is to make them. Allow me to explain.
Why Make Decisions
Making decisions is sexy. That is the main reason. You want to maintain a level of attraction between you and your partner? Of course you do. You want her to want to...
Don’t fear the invisible sword of being dumped, for you sharpen it
Fear is part of life. We all fear things, and that is no bad things for fear can serve us well. It is the thing that keeps us alive, and stops us from doing something that gets us killed. When we are young it is the fear of being burned that keeps us safe from fire, the fear of the pain from falling that stops us jumping from the top of high things, the fear of getting lost that keeps us near our parents and stops us from, well, getting lost! It is a useful emotion, which is why we have it. However in modern day life when we no longer have survival as our primary problem, fear can get in...
Always check in with your sex partner
We all want to be having amazing sex, let’s start out right by agreeing this. We are all on the same page, and when 2 people come together to have sex (or sometimes more than two people!) they both have the same *shared* outcome – a desire to come hard, a desire for amazing sex. So given that they both want the same thing, they are both in the right place to be helping both themselves and the other person achieve what they want. This means that if asked for help, they *will* help. That is an important place to start this article, because we are going to be asking you to talk to your sexual...
Always have stuff going on in your life
Sex is amazing. Even bad sex can be good! Good sex is great, and great sex can blow your mind! I mean literally. Science has graphed out the chemical reactions that take place in the brain at the point of orgasm, and the results are quite literally mind blowing.
Sex is so great that the pursuit of it can become all consuming, and the point of getting it, the times in your life where you have it on tap, understandably it can over turn your life. You can easily find yourself spending your time having sex, and doing very little else! Why would you go out on lavish dates when you can...