casual sex issues
Forget her - focus on yourself if there is a sex reduction
This is one for the guys. Let’s take it as read for a moment that you have a good fuck buddy that you like and are really enjoying spending time with – whether that is purely night time or a mix of day and night activities. Things are all good, mostly. There are always problems that crop up, and they sometimes come from her. When this happens the instinct is to try and fix the problem. As it feels like the problem has come from her, your instinct is to look to try and solve her issues for her, to fix the thing that is bothering her. In some cases you may even take the approach of trying to...
Top 5 Weirdest things people ask for during sex
Everyone has a kink. Whether they want to admit it or not, kinks are part of who we are. We might not even know that we have a kink until someone does something that exposes us to it. But some kinks are so odd, that many partners sometimes wonder “What the fuck?!” in their heads, even if they just nod and smile to their buddy. Kinks are perfectly normal so don’t get too worried if you think you shouldn’t explore yours. However, there are some things that people ask for during sex that are just plain weird.
1. Suck my toes whilst fucking me
Some people have a foot...
Top 5 Most Challenging Sex Positions
We often read about the most ingenious, fun looking and sensual positions for sex, but have you ever wondered just how easy it is to achieve any of them? Porn movies might make some positions look as easy as strolling down the street, but the fact is the human body is designed to ‘do it’ in a fairly standard and practical way. That’s not to say you can’t have variations on a theme and there are hundreds of different ways we can have sex with each other. Yet there are some positions which are more challenging than others. It’s these positions we’re going to share and warn you about....
Casual Sex: Problems for Women
Like it or not, there is still a stigma attached to having casual sex when you’re a woman. Whereas guys who sleep around are often treated like heroes or shrugged off as ‘well boys will be boys’, women who talk about having lots of casual sex are demonized. It’s unfair and I hope that one day not long from now, this stigma will disappear along with a lot of other medieval tripe about sex. Aside from the stigma though, women have to deal with more anxieties and worries about casual sex than men. Below are some of the top things women often deal with when having casual sex.