finding orgasms
Finding The O
As a guy having an orgasm is pretty easy. Hell, we can probably jerk ourselves off twenty times before breakfast and still have enough left in the tank for brunch. Making a woman have an orgasm – and we mean a proper orgasm – has often been likened to climbing Mount Everest, with a car strapped to your back, wearing nothing but a pair of swim shorts in minus 30 degrees. Basically it often feels like an uphill struggle with a massive weight of responsibility coupled with performance anxiety that can leave the woman cold.
But is it really that difficult to make a woman come or are...
Don’t fake an orgasm – but do be nice to the other person when you don’t come
We all want to please and be pleased. We all want that thing where we come really hard, have our minds blown and have the peace and calm that comes with post sex awesomeness. We also want the other person to have the same reaction. I am not sure why this is, is it just pure ego? Regardless of the why, we want the other person to feel amazing by what ever we have done with them. We want them to have come hard, to have been pleasured fully, and to want nothing more than to do it again (and again) with you because it was that amazing.
In an effort to maintain a good relationship,...
Do your perfect sexual partner a favour – find them and fuck them
We all have certain preferences when it comes to having sex with people. Maybe that is how we like to have sex, fast or slow, hard or soft. For some people it is what is needed to turn them on, some people like to be tied up, other people like to be punished, others like none of that and want something extremely vanilla and anything kinky is actually a huge turn off. Some people like it roughm, some people like it soft, most (but not all) people enjoy either being taken/taking someone... what ever it is you like there is a strong argument that one of your life missions is to find that...
Focus on making the other person come for amazing sex
Focus on making the other person come for amazing sex
We all want to come with sex. We all want to have the amazing orgasm that gives us that huge rush of pleasure along with the calm and stopping of everything but being in that moment. We all want the rush – both men and women. What is the best way to seek that?
In our focus to achieve it – the drive to get it may actually undermine our ability to reach it as we are distracted from the moment and the other person. If we are completely focused on our own orgasm – it can lead us away from achieving it. There is...
You always come first
There is a bad joke that men come first in the bedroom, that women come second or not at all. Regardless of the strength or quality of the joke, there is a Tendency for men to come first in the bedroom, period. Men and women are built differently on a biological level that we have no ability to change, so let’s start by accepting that and moving on. So there are two things to be addressed here, men coming early and women coming late.
Women – learn to come, because there is only so much men can do
There is an understanding that men make women come. This is...