getting over an exgirlfriend
If you want to find a fuck buddy, you have to bounce back
Rejection. This is something that is really hard to accept. No matter what area in life we experience rejection, when we do, it is always hard. Going for a job we really want and then being told they are giving it to someone else can really hurt. Asking a friend to come to your party / dinner / event and they say no because they are going to something else already can sting. Seeing if your family want to come and help you with something but they say they cannot because they have the kids that weekend, even this is a rejection (as understandable as it is). All of this has...
Better to find a new fuck buddy than chase the old one
I am about to talk about something that we have all been through. If you haven’t been through it yet, you will. This is a sensitive topic so I want to make clear from the outset that everyone has different needs, and there will be a very small number of people that do not need to take this advice… but those people are the 1%. For the rest of the 99%, this is for you.
At some point, we have all been “dumped” but a fuck buddy (or will get dumped in the future). By this, I mean that your fuck buddy decides that they would rather have sex with someone else and they end the tryst with...
The art of moving on: Your ex girlfriend lied
Whether we want to or not, eventually if we are sleeping with someone, we will become to have feelings for them and attachments. Having sex was traditionally called “being intimate” – and being intimate with someone develops exactly that, it grows intimacy. You begin to come together as people, and as that closeness grows there are many positive things that come from it. You begin to care about each other, you begin to make efforts to be nicer to each other, you get to know each other more and more – and from that everything gets better. The way you are with each other, the way you joke...