how to get laid
Summer is the easiest time to get laid
The sun is shining, the days are warm, summer is here! Summer brings with it a whole load of advantages with it. The days are longer so you can get a lot more done. The evenings bring time to relax with a cold drink and some good friends outside. Everyone wants to move that little bit slower, so everyone wants to relax and just enjoy themselves that little bit more. When it comes to sex, everything gets easier in the summer… including how difficult it is to get laid.
The heat reduces the amount of clothes that everyone is wearing. This has a twofold effect. Firstly, everyone is that...
Ask for sex – the best way to guaranteed getting laid
In the game of courtship, there are all sorts of “rules” about what you should and shouldn’t do when you in the process of it. Things that you are allowed to say, things you are never to discuss. Here are a few prime examples of the kind of thing that we are told that we should or shouldn’t do during the “chatting up” process. You will find that you recognise a lot of these:
- Don’t discuss religion
- Don’t talk about former partners and ex girlfriends
- Don’t tell her that she is a little on the overweight side or that her nose is a little large
Judge your own value – for ye are being judged
Judgement comes in all forms. Your family judge you on how good a member you are, your parents are judging you on how well they have done raising you. At work it is nice and transparent. Regular reviews and targets allow your judgement to be pretty clear and openly done. When you walk into a bar of strangers, subconsciously everyone makes a quick judgement of you – the most popular being that you are no threat and they can go on with their evening whilst ignoring you completely. In the world of sex and boy girl relationships – judgement is something not only to be aware of, but something...