sex with famous people
Why we want to fuck singers
There are some people in this world who make a sex tick list. This may just be a floating idea in their head, something like “I’d love to fuck a doctor, a lawyer and an accountant so I have done the hattrick.” It also may take the more formal and targeted form of “I want to have had a fuck buddy from all the continents in the world” or for the really ambitious, “I want to have had a fuck buddy from every single country in the world! I have a map on my wall and a list on the side. I am ticking off the list as I go and putting a “I came here” flag in each country as I conquer it!” There is...
Why we want to fuck film stars
When it comes to having sex, we all have people that we would love to have sex with that we are never going to sleep with. This is usually because of circumstance, location, or station. The people that we would love to sleep with are usually people that we would never meet in real life. Some of us want to have sex with singers or band members. To some, heaven would be making a fuck buddy of their favourite artists. There are those that want to sleep with royality, and given the opportunity they would have sex with an aristocrat at the drop of the hat, that sometimes even includes doing so...