unusual sex facts
Fuck buddy sex facts that you never knew!
There are a lot of myths and old wives tales that surround sex, and there are many beliefs that we are brought up with that are outright incorrect. There are people that may tell you that sex can be bad for you, or that having sex drains your power and energy. Many people are brought up a little repressed, being unable to talk openly and freely about sex. When we are younger, many of us thought that sex was “wrong” in some way, even though later in life we realise that not only can it play a pivotal role in our health and happiness, but that without it the human race would die out pretty...
Wear socks in bed for better sex!
The title sums it, yes that is right, a study has shown that you are 80% more likely to climax in bed if you are wearing socks! Sounds strange to you? Well it did to me until I delved a little more deeply into the reasons why, and it all comes down to comfort. The reason that the socks made the difference were warmth and comfort. Allow me to expand on this.
If you are cold you are less likely to climax
As a man have you ever noticed that when it is really cold that your penis shrivels up in on itself and gets as small as it can, almost as if it is trying to curl up to keep...