There are some things that we all like during sex. However there are also many things that we all differ on when it comes to sexual preferences. What position is best for her? Should I be going down on him more? I’m not sure if she’ll like me throwing her against the wall and taking her from behind?
All these questions and more plague our minds every now and then especially when we’re meeting up with a potential new playmate. So having conducted a survey we can now reveal what the biggest turn offs in the bedroom for guys are. Hopefully it should give you a clue over what to try and what to avoid. Pay attention ladies! You might be guilty of one or more of them….
Top 5 turn offs for Guys - Ladies Pay Attention!
1. Crying. We’re not joking. This happens more often then you think. Not only is it a general sexual faux pas it will send your bloke running for the hills. No one wants to come off as neurotic. If you’re feeling teary, best not to take your lingerie off.
2. Laughing. Oddly enough women like men laughing or having a chuckle in bed, but when it goes the other way the results can be devastating. A bloke won’t know what to think. ‘Is she laughing at the size of my penis?’ ‘Was it not good?’ ‘Was I not strong enough?’ ‘Do I look weird?’ We are all insecure when it comes to sex sometimes, but men can take it as a direct blow to their masculinity if a girl starts to chuckle for no reason. If you are the giggly type in the sack try to focus on something serious unless you want to have a seriously bad lay.
3. Faking It. Everyone wants to orgasm and women have the best…but not all the time. If you can’t orgasm then lying about it will do neither you nor the man you’re with any good at all. For a start guys can usually tell when a woman is having a real orgasm despite reports to the contrary. Also what kind of message does that send to your partner if you’re faking it all the time? He’ll never know how to please you if you keep lying. If you can’t come simply tell the truth and tell him ‘I really want you to come now!’ Watch the smile on our face grow.
4. Shy. If you’re a naturally shy person don’t pretend otherwise. Telling a guy you’re into kink and dirty talk only for him to discover you’re into neither and like having more sedate sex, will soon spell an end to that encounter. If you’re shy in the bedroom, be honest about it. A lot of the time we love being able to lead a woman in the sack and you telling us you’re quite shy can be a massive turn on.
5. Go blank. ‘How do you like it? “….I don’t know.” Worst. Response. Ever. If we’re asking you this chances are we’re a bit nervous and want some guidance. You know your body better then we do so give us a little hand. Don’t instruct – guide. If you’re drawing a blank regularly then maybe you need to get in touch with yourself in more ways then one to find out what it is you do like. That way you won’t have any problems the next time a guy asks.
In the interests of gender equality, we will also publish a list of the top 5 turn offs for women soon.
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