When most of us try and learn a new skill, the traditional route to do so is to study it. This could be done by sitting in a classroom and being taught it by a teacher. It could also be through learning on the job, by doing the thing that you are trying to learn until you get good at it. Some things are better learned the second way than the former, sex being a great example of this, you learn and get better the more you do it!
The best way to learn any new thing, is through sex. Whilst this is an unconventional approach, hear me out. I will take the example of learning a new language, let’s say… Japanese.
Motivation is a big part of how quickly we learn. How motivated are you? How much do you really want to learn it? Even if you have a highly motivated bigger picture goal in mind, you really need motivation to do the little tasks at hand that are the stepping stones. If there is sex involved, this solves this entirely. We are more motivated by sex than anything else. The addition of a fuck buddy to your life can make a huge difference to your overall motivation levels. Say you are hooking up with someone who speaks Japanese, suddenly you have all the motivation you need! Think of all the dirty talk and naughty things you are going to be able to do once you master the language. Now that is motivation.
The brain learns better when it is in “love”
There are scientific studies that show that the brain learns better when we are in a “love” state. This state is a chemical state that the brain and body enters, and it is as much about having sex as it is being in “love”. If you are having sex with someone, you are in this state, and you will learn more easily. It is scientifically proven!
It is fun
If we enjoy something, we are more likely to do it regularly. Having sex and linking our learning to sex means that we are doing something fun, thus we will drive forward without lessons more. We will push to spend more time with the fuck buddy that is teaching us because, well, we also get to fuck!
So if you want to learn something, find a fuck buddy that can teach it to you. You will learn it faster, and I guarantee you will have more fun on the way!
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