When we find a fuck buddy we all want to make sure that both they and us have a fucking great time! That is easy to do when it comes to sex since sex is pretty amazing. It is like ice cream, even mediocre ice cream is good because it is ice cream. The same is true for sex. Your hook up doesn’t have to be the greatest lay in the world, but if you are getting laid, you are still winning and on top (unless you prefer your f-buddy to be on top of course).
We all pick up techniques and ways of doing things as we go, and there are a lot of good sex tips and guidance out there. In this article, I want to focus on the less well-known ones. Not the obscure ones, just things that many people have yet to try. So here are some less well-known sex tips to drive your fuck buddy wild.
Focus on their ear
Sounds odd? Bear with me! The ear is super sensitive, designed to pick up on the most subtle of vibrations… sound. So when you bring your mouth close to your fuck buddies ear and breath, slowly, the ear picks up all of that from the movement of air to the subtle change in temperature from your heating breath. If you can say something dirty as an excuse to do that, even better! Finish it of by taking their ear lope between your teeth and giving it a little tug… it will drive them wild!
Do it in the afternoon
The easiest time to have sex is in the evening… but it is also when you and your fuck buddy are most tired. Why not do it in the afternoon instead? It is unusual, naughty as you ought to be working, and it will make the rest of your day fantastic. If you can, booty call your fuck buddy on a work break… and if you can get them to come to pay you an office call even better!
Take control or give up… but 100%
Most sex there is an element of control either way… but when was the last time you had sex where one of you was completely in control of everything that was happening? No matter which end you are on, it is an amazing way to kick your sex life up a notch!
Remember always the golden rule. Have fun!
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