We cannot ignore the influence that films have had on the way that we have our sexual relationships. Many fantasies are based on things that we saw in films (usually when we were younger). I know an English girl who has a massive lift fetish because of a film she saw when young, Indian girl who has a massive waterfall fetish because of Bollywood, and recently the upside down kiss has become a thing for the next generation due to the Spiderman scene. Men in masks has always been a thing that has fuelled the sexual fantasies of both sexes, from the actual masked balls in the Victorian era through to the many super hero films that feed the hunger for the same fantasy in today’s world. What I want to talk about is using this to our own sexual advantage.
Given that films have already formed a sexual foundation that is all too real, rather than ignore it, I saw cash in on it. This can be done in many ways.
Soundtrack your sex
All sex scenes in movies have these carefully timed and planned soundtracks. The music builds with the orgasm, and climax’s at the point of explosion. Fifth Element is my favourite example of this – they do it so well. So let’s cash in. Sound is one of the 5 senses, and for some people their primary sense. If you soundtrack your sex session you will find that both of you can gain a new level of excitement and commitment to the moment. Your brain will automatically tap into all the films you have ever seen and associate the sex with the same level of drama that was in the film. Try it – you will find this to be true!
Find the film fantasy – and do it
It is likely that your fuck buddy has a film fantasy. This could be as simple as wanting to have an encounter at a masked Victorian ball by a masked man, through to having sex in the toilets on a plane whilst it is being hijacked. The latter is going to be hard to create, but the former much easier. Take them to a Victorian ball, and boom you will be having the best sex of your life!
Re-enact scenes
There are certain scenes from films that they will have found sexy and a turn on. If you memorise a little of the dialogue – and it doesn’t have to be much – playing even just a few lines out before getting to it can give them the chance to feel like they are that person in the film... making you the heartthrob love interest!
Give the above a go – and don’t forget to think about yourself. If you have a fantasy of a film scene, play it out. If you are turned on, then so are they.
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