Why are you here? Why are you reading this? The answer is the same for both questions; you’re looking for NSA (No Strings Attached) sex. If a blog post, a Twitter comment or a random forum remark helps you get what you want then you’ll read it. Chances are you’ll take advice from a man dressed in a bikini if he’s offering you a golden ticket to get into a horny woman’s pants. No Strings Attached sex is like finding the Holy Grail for anyone looking for a casual sex relationship. So why is it so hard to find?
Well for starters, no strings doesn’t always mean no strings.
Lots of people lie
Some do it unintentionally, some do it on purpose. Everyone lies at some point. It’s just the way things are. Below are the main types of daters you should be careful with when looking for NSA fun.
1. The Rebounder
Sometimes when people come out of a committed relationship they do one of two things: they either become celibate for a few months or they leap straight into bed with the first available body that comes along. The problem in both cases is that they are so emotionally messed up they don’t really know what they’re doing. Someone saying they’re just looking for a casual relationship might actually be looking for something more committed. Someone saying they’re looking for a committed relationship might actually be looking for something more casual. They don’t mean to mislead. Sometimes people say one thing but mean another. Be prepared for that.
2. The Married
We have them on our site and we don’t judge anyone. All we will do is urge a bit of caution on both sides. NSA fun might be what a married person is looking for, but what it might mean is massive complication for both of you. Approach carefully. If the spouse founds out you could be in for more than you bargained for.
3. The Tease
These are the ones who lead you on for months on end with promises of meeting up, a few photos and lots of teasing text messages. If that’s all they want then fine! But if they’ve hinted that they want more or worse, told you that they want more but haven’t delivered, then take our advice and start looking for someone else.
4. The Outright Liar
Everything this person has told you is a lie. They’ve lied about where they live, who they are, their height, their weight and sometimes even their sex and relationship status. It can be hard to identify these ones early on as they may seem very convincing. If however they refuse to meet or chat, our advice is to just cut your losses and move on to someone who does want to chat and meet.
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