Thanks to the internet, the proliferation of porn has just grown and grown. With it comes the ability for people to actually video their favourite sexual fantasies and simply upload them onto the internet. Millions of sites now exist where users can simply open an account and upload their videos for the enjoyment of others. With these uploads come a lot of the sexual fantasies that people have always dreamt of doing, but now actually have the opportunity to share with a large community. You need to be careful though, as there are some sexual fantasies that if you’re caught engaging in, could get you into serious trouble with the law.
1. Dogging
Engaging in public sex whilst others watch has been a popular past time for many. Voyeurism has never been more rampant. However if caught you can face a hefty fine or a custodial sentence. Shagging in a public car park (most popular) or outdoors in a park might be fun, (and is) will land you in a heap of trouble with the police if they catch you. If you’re going to do it, make sure you are literally in the middle of nowhere.
2. Sex on a motorcycle
Sounds like some thrilling fun to be had on the back of your bike. However even if you do manage to engage in some carnal fun and even if it’s in the privacy of your own garage, you can still be arrested for doing it. So keep the revs down a bit eh?
3. Sex with the lights on – Illegal in Hungary
This is definitely one of the more bizarre rules. If you’re caught having sex with the lights on in Hungary, you can and most likely will be arrested as its illegal. That explains why my Hungarian girlfriend always turned the lights off whenever we did it.
4. No Climaxing before your partner during foreplay – Illegal in California
Only the Americans can come up with something as weird as this. As long as neither of you orgasms during foreplay you’re basically fine. Personally we think it’s just an encouragement to skip the foreplay and move right onto the all important business.
5. Sex on the Beach – Illegal in Spain
The Spanish are pretty chilled out when it comes to most things, but if you’re other caught doing it on the beach you will be well and truly busted. Bear this in mind before considering where to have sex next.
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