They say that Latin is the language of love. It certainly is one of the oldest languages around, so old in fact that no one uses it as a spoken dialect any more. It forms the core foundation of many of the modern western spoken languages, and you can usually trace the roots of most English words back to Latin. But is it really the language of love? Is Latin going to help get you laid, or get you a blow job, or facilitate having sex with people?
The phrase is correct, Latin is the language of love... but that resides in that it is foreign. That no one speaks it day to day, and so any time you decide to deliberately talk in Latin, it is a conscious choice that depicts the words you are saying / using as being special in some way, as being more profound and thought out. That what you are saying carries more weight than words usually spoken. To say that you love someone in Latin “te mo” can drive a girl wild simply because it will come across with greater weight. They will feel the meaning of the words more strongly... because the language is foreign to them. So we come to the crux of it here. The important thing is that it is foreign, and so instead of saying Latin is the language of love, we could easily and just as accurately say that any foreign language is the language of love!
So how do we use this knowledge in the bedroom? How does this help us have better sex lives, love lives or even more simply how does it get us more blow jobs?! Well you now know that you can use any language that is foreign to the both of you, and it will come across as sexy. Using a different language also makes you seem more knowledgable and intelligent, something that every one finds more attractive! You can use a forign language to make affection seem more affectionate, dirty talk more dirty, and an invitation to sex exotic and spicey. You can use any language you like, as long as the other person does not speak it. This is important!
So pick a language, Latin if you like, but it can also be Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Gaelic which is a personal favourite of mine, and learn a few words in it. Just the odd sentence can carry you a hell of a way closer to the bedroom! To get you started – here are a few ways to say I love you!
- Here is how to say "I love you" in Gaelic ... Ta gra agam ort
- Here is how to say "I love you" in Gujarati ... Hu tumney prem karu chu
- Here is how to say "I love you" in Mandarin Chinese ... Wo ai ni
- Here is how to say "I love you" in Serbian ... Volim te
- Here is how to say "I love you" in Taiwanese ... Wa ga ei li
- Here is how to say "I love you" in Welsh ... 'Rwy'n dy garu
- Here is how to say "I love you" in Dutch ... Ik hou van jou
- Here is how to say "I love you" in Bulgarian ... Obicham te
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