The quality of your sex can, for the most part, be directly measured against the quality of the foreplay. FACT. Most people fail to understand how direct a connection there is between the foreplay and the actual sex itself. Pleasure, orgasm, even the function of the sexual organs themselves are all controlled by the brain. To have the greatest sex of your life requires a certain state of mind, and that is where foreplay comes in. “Fore” means to come in front of, it is the “play” that happens infront of, or before, the sex itself. For most people then when they think foreplay they are thinking about the things that may happen immediately before sex, things like blow jobs, going down no a girl, fingering etc. However I am going to ask you to broaden your horizons here a little, and start to think about foreplay as anything that happens in the 24hours running up to sex.
Anything that happens immediately before sex is the most powerful, as it is fresh in the mind for when you have sex. Many couples use porn for this. They will watch it together, immersing themselves in the sexual story before stepping into the roles that have been laid out for them by the porn. Using private porn is something that is even more powerful. The act of making a porn film staring yourself, is in itself something that is incredibly fun and sexy to make in the first place, and is in itself both forplay and role play. You both get to feel like porn stars, living out each other’s fantasies for the pleasure of your viewers.
Then when you watch the porn you made back, it acts then as foreplay in a different way. You get to watch yourselves at it, you get to be turned on and drawn in not by the fantasy of being someone else, but by being you! This reinforces your own sense of self and sexual prowess. This can be done with a fuck buddy, or a friends with benefits relationship, but it can just as equally be done by a married couple.
One of the best things is that it was made by you, just for you. No one else has ever seen it, and most other people don’t even know that it even exists. It is a secret, which makes it even sexier. It is also a little dangerous, which adds to the spice.
If you have never made a private video, give it a go. I think you will really love it, just as you will love “making love” afterwards.
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