The saying that “less is more” is one that used in many areas. People use it in business, in pleasure. Artists use it when creating elaborate paintings, negotiators apply this when giving information to their counterparts as to what they want. When it comes to being sexy, this phrase has never been more true.
You might be setting yourself up for a number of reasons, the most likely is that of a photo. Perhaps you want to take a pic to send to your fuck buddy, or to help convert a friend into a friend with benefits. Perhaps you are looking for a hook up on a casual dating website, and if so a really good picture is a critical factor in generating leads for yourself for this. One of the best booty calls I ever got was just a picture and a time and postcode with it. Nothing more needed to be said, I was there bang on time! There is a lot to be said. So how do you make a sexy photo?
The instinct is to just take all your clothes off and then snap a pic. Whilst this will likely work, it is actually not the best way to do it. When you send a pic like this, you are trying to tease the other person, to make them look forward to find out more in person. If you give them a view of everything fully, their brain does not need to engage their imagination to try and fill in the blanks… and that is the key thing. You want to hold something back in order to engage that imagination! The way to do this, is to offer some but not all that is on offer.
There are loads of examples you can copy. Google any underwear model picture, and you will see picture of girls wearing ripped t-shirts and lacing semi see through clothing that lets you see some but not all that is on offer. This teasing is exactly what makes you want them more, it is this semi view that makes it really sexy.
Sexy underwear has been created with this exact theory in mind! If the “less is more” principle did not apply, the sexiest thing to do would be to get naked immediately. Instead we cover our bodies partially with sexy things, that cover only a small part of our bodies, but enough to effectively hold something back.
When taking photos, less is more. Remember it next time you take a sexy selfie!
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