You know what it’s like when you have sex with someone new. You’re both excited but nervous at the same. A load of ‘what ifs?’ can have a terrible habit of causing a lot of mental discomfort that won’t be good for either party. Here on f-buddy it’s highly likely that you’re going to be having sex for the first time with several different people. So we thought it wise to come up with a short guide on the things you should avoid.
1. Silent yet Sensitive
Too much talking before first time sex can actually kill the mood. Limit your word count and see how much you can let your eyes and body do the talking.
2. Finger sensitive
The clitoris has over 8,000 nerve endings. 8,000. If you’re jamming your fingers against it like sandpaper what kind of reaction do you think that’s going to illicit? Take it slowly and gently.
3. Kissing after oral
If she’s willing to give you a blow job and wants to kiss after you really have no right to say no. I don’t care how ‘icky’ you feel about having your own man jam taste in your mouth. You want more sex from this woman, then suck it up and kiss her right back.
4. Safety comes first
If you haven’t brought a condom to your first encounter then you’re a fucking idiot and deserve to be kicked out. Not only does packing condoms show your respect towards her, it shows that you have respect for yourself. Despite this basic lesson being hammered home again and again many first timers still do skin on skin action. If you want to catch an STD or be an unplanned parent go right ahead…otherwise sheaf up.
5. Don’t act like a porn star
It’s not clever or cool and you’ll look like a world class prick because guess what hot shot? You’re not a porn star and neither is she.
6. Performance Anxiety
We all know that the first time you have sex with someone things aren’t always going to go according to plan. You just don’t know enough about the other person’s body to guarantee 100% success. Our advice? Don’t stress. Just lie back go with with the flow and you’ll end up enjoying yourself a lot more.
7. Don’t forget to cuddle after
Okay so you might want to run to the bathroom and clean up straight away, but it’s best to let her snuggle into your arms for a bit and enjoy the afterglow of the sex you’ve just shared. Cuddling does not mean you’re about to commit monogamously. It just means you’re mutually enjoying the physicality of one another.
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