The stereotype of the perfect sex partner is usually the following:
- Good Looking
- Perfect body
- Willing to engage in whatever sexual fantasy you please
The truth of having someone who’s good in bed couldn’t be further from the stereotype. Your perfect sex partner might be tall, small, fat, thin, younger, older, hyper intelligent, a bit dim…none of those superficial things really matter. What actually matters is the amount of chemistry you have with them in the bedroom. So what are the signs we all look for?
1. He/She is clean
Sounds obvious but a clean body, no bad or strange smells down below and a well manicured look go a long way to turning most people on. The last thing we want is someone who has a weird body odour or who hasn’t cleaned their pubic regions.
2. Open to new ideas
Someone who’s willing to engage in new techniques, ideas and adventures is someone you want to hold on to. It could be whips and chains or a simple willingness to try anal.
3. They ace the Oral test
It’s surprising how many men and women underestimate the power of good oral sex and the power it can have on a sexual partner. If your woman treats your dick like it’s divine, flicking the tip with her tongue, using her hands and staring into your eyes as if you were the only thing in the world, then you’ve got a keeper. Similary ladies, if you can find a bloke who’s willing (and competently able) to spend more then 2 minutes treating your vagina like it’s the most exquisite wine ever then you might want to hold onto him for a bit.
4. They don’t rush you
Have you ever been with a really hot guy or girl who did all the right things sexually but for some reason it just didn’t satisfy you? There’s a good chance this person was rushing you to perform or putting pressure on you to do the same things they were doing to you. With a perfect sex partner you won’t be checking your watch or wondering how long you’ve managed to carry on.
5. You can go more then once a night
This sex partner is different to the previous sex partners. They make you want to fuck them again and again instead of just having one good throw and going to sleep.
6. They have a sexy shape that just gets you going
Contrary to what glamour mags would have us all believe, people are attracted to many different bodies. It means different things to all of us. Generally women who have ample breasts, full lips and a tight body are universally desired but very skinny and very voluptuous women are also highly sought after. Similarly men who are well toned and have a tight ass are generally desired but very skinny and very podgy and wrinkly men are highly sought after as well. Whatever the shape is that gets you going, don’t think twice about it.
7. They suggest new things to try
They don’t wait for you to bring some fantasy to the table because they’ve already made a list of their own. That’s a sex partner you want to hold onto.
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