Spring is a great time of year! The trees are blossoming, the sky is (gradually) turning a nicer shade of blue, the rain is less (sort of) and the grass is even greener. People often view spring as the perfect time to begin renewing those long forgotten New Year’s resolutions, especially the ones where you promised to do more about improving your sex life. Follow our tips on the best ways to spring clean your sex life this April and you’ll be having fun with an f-buddy in no time at all!
1. Dress for Success (or should that be sexcess?)
Nothing says ‘take me now’ better than a scorching hot outfit designed to get the libido aflutter. If you want people to start noticing you then you’ve got to start dressing the part. People aren’t going to message someone who looks miserable and boring; they will message someone who looks active and sexy. Take a look at what you’re wearing and ask yourself if you’re trying hard enough.
2. Don’t be Negative
It’s easy to fall into the trap of putting yourself down, but there’s no point! Enough people are going to put you down throughout life so don’t start doing it yourself. The more you big yourself up, the better you’ll be at finding the perfect fuck buddy this spring.
3. Change Position
There are millions of studies all indicating the same thing – people get stuck having sex in the same positions. We’re not saying that’s always a bad thing as everyone has a favourite position. However it’s worth changing it up now and then as this will encourage and excite you and your partners.
4. Don’t be afraid to engage in Fantasy
We have one of the most active imaginations from all the species we know so far; use yours. If you’ve been harbouring a secret sex fantasy for years, now’s the time to let it out.
5. Try a new Sex Toy
If you’ve never used sex toys, now’s the time to try them, and if you already do use them, now’s the time to try a new one. Sex toy sales are up year on year by a huge percentage so there’s more choice than ever before. Don’t be afraid to try something new this spring. It will get you in the mood for trying new things with a fuck buddy.
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