There are many different ways to have sex. You can have it indoors, you can have it outdoors. You can have it traditionally on a bed, you can have it not traditionally on the floor, you can go alternative and do it in the cupboard or on top of the television. You can do it simple and vanilla, you could go super kinky and do it with ropes and toys. Sometimes you will want to do it fast and hard, other times you might want to do is slow and soft. There are days when you want to make love to the other person, and there are other times when what you both want is just a good hard fuck.
Even if the mechanics of it are similar, the quality of the actual sex can differ massively. Sometimes the sex is mind blowingly amazing, and other times, well let’s just say that everyone and I mean everyone has times when the sex is so unsatisfactory that actually afterwards it was clear that you would both have been better of if you hadn’t bothered at all!
The ideal situation is that you have great sex that finishes in a really hard orgasm – for both of you. It rarely happens at the same time mind you, but getting a period of cross over is enough I think. Did you ever think about the difference between the two though?
Having an orgasm and having great sex are so intertwined, so synonymous with each other that actually we forget that they are two different measurements points, that whilst they come hand in hand, they can be of very different strengths! Allow me to expand.
Having great sex is about so much more than just the orgasm – and can in fact not even include each other! Great sex is about the build up, the setting. It is about the tease, about how much you want each other in the moment, about how much you turn each other on to the point where you are ready to rip each other’s clothes off and fuck really hard. It is also about the experience, if you do it in a different or exciting way, then it can be really exciting sex!
Having an Orgasm is about the actual act of coming. You can come to different levels as well, so you can come, or you can come really hard! So there are better and worse orgasms.
The interesting thing is that whilst they often come hand in hand, you can have one without the other, and you can excel in one area with out the other being that high a level. An awareness of this can help you to endure that all your nights are one to remember – so keep an eye on both!
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