There are certain things in life that we learn naturally without making effort in order to achieve them. No one really remembers having to try to learn to walk, or talk, but these are complex actions that require a lot of learning and co-ordination, yet we do them without thinking about them, and without considering the effort that went into the task of getting good at them.
Other things have to be learnt, but some people are naturals in different areas. Some people are naturally skilled at dancing or working with their bodies. Other people are naturally brainy, and do very well with tasks that require academic ability. Some people seem to always know where they can make the least effort and still get the highest reward… and this is a skill in itself!
Sex is something that should come naturally to us. It is hardcoded into our brains and our bodies, we have been doing it for thousands of years and who knows how many generations. I think that our bodies really do know what they want to do, and for the most part we can be guided by that, we should be guided by that. However, even the most “naturals” at something require a little practice to get good at whatever it is that they are doing.
The more sex that you have, the better you will get at it. It really is as simple as that. To good at driving, the more hours behind the wheel the better. The same is true for sex. The more hours that you spend having sex, the better you will get. There is no replacement for this.
However, there are ancillary tasks that you can do in order to help you be a better driver that you can do without being behind a wheel, such as studying the highway code, or reading up common mistakes, or even driving simulators on a computer. There are also things you can do to make you better in bed, that happen outside of the bedroom. Here are my top three tasks.
Kegel exercises
These are muscle strengthening exercises that work out the “sex” muscles. It is easy to do, I think everyone should be doing these. Healthy too!
Eating healthier
General health affects your sex drive and ability. Staying healthy makes a big difference to this, so try it!
Being tired is a sex killer. The more rested you are, the better you can perform. It really is as simple as that.
Remember, being better at sex is not only about being better for your partner. You will have a better time of it as well.
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