We are obsessed with size in many areas of our life. We all want to have climbed the biggest mountain, the tallest tower. We want to have partied for the longest night, danced the hardest, visited the biggest mega club. We want to have drunk the most alcohol, to have been the most smashed that one could be. We want to have had the most explosive orgasm, the most uncontrollable crazy night of sex ever. All of these are valid desires, and I am in no criticising or undermining the value or validity in them. In many ways I would encourage them, for these are rooted in the desire to live life, to embrace what life has to offer by going out and trying to experience the very best that life has to offer us.
Where I would try and correct the approach is the focus on the size and not the experience, and this is especially true when it comes to sex. We really are obsessed with size, and this cannot be better demonstrated than by our obsession with the size of a man’s penis. The bigger the dick, the better as far as everyone is concerned. Once again, there are strong advantages in having a large dick, and I would never deny these advantages… how ever there is more to it than just size. A bigger factor in a good night of sex is technique.
If you won the genetic lottery and have a big dick, then that is great news for you, congratulations. Whether you are the person or you are not, you must pay attention to technique as well. It is not enough to simply have the equipment, it is what you do with it that counts. Are you building up the sex with good foreplay? Are you making sure you tease and tantilise her as you building up to the sex? Are you using language, either through words and story, or through silence at the right time as sometimes saying nothing is one of the most powerful things you can do? Unless you are one of the few unfortunate people that has real trouble coming yourself (which also thus means you can also keep going for hours without loosing your hard on), you want to be good with your hands in order to be able to play with her before starting the sex. Are you doing this, are you listening to her body and being sensitive to what she enjoys and does not enjoy?
It really is all about these things much more than simple size. So whether you are born with a huge dick or not, it does not matter. Keep your focus on your technique, on being in the moment and improving what you are doing, for it really is not the size of the boat, it is the motion of the ocean.
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