When it comes to having sex, we are nearly always driven by factors outside of our control. We have the ability to decide not to have sex, to chose to control and repress our desires so that we do not fuck someone’s brains out. So we can supress the desire, but we have very little control over the appearance of that desire. So much of it is out of our control. Some of it comes from the time of year, we are more horny in spring tham we are in winter. Some of it comes from when we last had sex. If we just spotted seeing a regular fuck buddy you are more driven to have sex than if you have not had sex for 6months or more, by which time you have become accustomed to it. Where you are also affects this. If you are in a club surrounded by scantily clad people of the gender that you are attracted to, you are going to want to hook up with one of them much more than if it is 8am on a Sunday morning and you tired waiting for a bus to take you back from an over night flight. The events around us can also affect this. Weddings are a good one for encouraging people to hook up.. but the other one that people do not think about are funerals.
There is something about death that is a natural aphrodisiac. The presence of it makes you want to hook up, it drives you to find a fuck buddy harder than many other things. From my understanding, the reason that death is such an aphrodisiac comes back to when we were a lot less evolved.
When you are facing death, there is a drive to procreate, to leave something behind. When we have kids, in some small way we transcend death by leaving someone of us behind in that child. Their genetic seed comes from us so they are a mini version of us and the person that we had sex with to create the child. If we raise them, we can also encourage them to have the same values and standards like us. This really can mean you leave behind a legacy in the form of someone that is the next “version” of us. When we have death around us, we are at a funeral or we have been involved in a road traffic accident, our brains and body have the possibility of our mortal coil ending placed at the very forefront of their considerations. Thus, our bodies and brains conspire to try and help us have kids whilst we still can. The best way of doing that? It releases hormones that make us horny, it makes us want to have sex. This means that not only are we more driven, if we do have sex, that sex seems deeper, stronger and better!
There are many ways that you can use this information, but I will leave you to interpret that. Understanding that death is a strong aphrodisiac is a an important part of your sexual education. If I have helped increase that, I have put you one step closer to living a life of sexual abundance where you are never without a fuck buddy.
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