sex and health
Triggers to a low sex drive – psychological issues
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help like-minded individuals meet other people on the adult dating circuit for some no harm fun. Last article we spoke about triggers to a low sex drive. Having a high sex drive is important when adult dating. The main reason that people are getting together is for the sex. If the sex is not happening then the other person is not going to hang around for that much time! Some people suffer from a low sex drive and this can be caused by many things. Some of those things can be physical, which we spoke about in our...
Having more sex can bring meaning to your life
Here at the fuck buddy, we have always known that sex was good for you. In previous articles on this very blog, we have spoken about the benefits of sex, which include, but are not restricted to: the burning of calories, increased fitness, the release of “happy hormones” that increase our sense of well-being, sense of connection, improved performance at work, and even increased income has been linked to having sex. This is why we are so keen to help you find a fuck buddy. When two people come together to have sex, it really is a win-win situation where both parties benefit. When you find a...
Sleep and Sex – yes the connection is real!
There are so many factors that can affect your sex life, and most of these are hard wired into us, so we have little or no “choice” about those factors affecting us. If we are unwell or ill, our libido just disappears. At times of great stress in your life, your desire to have sex usually disappears. That comes from an old preservation thing. When sex was directly linked to procreation and having kids only, in times of stress such as famine, fire, drought, your instincts to have sex drop through the floor as you really don’t want to be having kids when you are trying to deal with your own...
Sexercise really is the best Exercise
For all the flirty dirty talk, we have never really talked about the other benefits to having lots of sex. Health wise it’s one of the best activities you can engage in working both the cardiovascular and musculature systems at a high pace.
Sounds boring doesn’t it?
What’s not boring though is the myriad of ways you can use sex to boost your health and social life off the scale.
Sexercise your way to a richer lifestyle
Amongst the top benefits of a rich and varied sex life is a positive mental attitude to the world around you. When you’ve had a good long...