problems performing
Top two things that cause a low sex drive
Having a high sex drive, especially on the adult dating circuit, is really important. The primary reason that your fuck buddy is spending time with you, is for the sex. They want to sleep with you, and they want to sleep with someone that wants to sleep with them! Having sex with someone who is super into it is a completely different experience to sleeping with someone who is just, well, putting up with it. Sex when you are going through the motions is terrible. It is one of the great things about having a fuck buddy. You are both there for the sex, so you are both super into it. If you...
Sexual Performance Anxiety can be helped with a fuck buddy
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help you find the fuck buddy that you are looking for because, thought you don’t know it, they are looking for you just as hard as you are for them! Today we are going to be talking about sexual performance anxiety and how having a fuck buddy can be a great way to help get over it, or at least, manage it.
Sexual Performance Anxiety
Sexual performance anxiety is where you are more than just nervous about sex because all of us get nervous about sex. It is where those nerves go on to hamper our life choices and...
What to do if you can’t…perform
It happens to every bloke at some point in his life. You’re making out with a really hot woman be it your girlfriend/wife/fuck buddy and enjoying yourself. You get her clothes off, you get your clothes off and then, all of a sudden…nothing. You think ‘What the hell is going on?’ You’ve been kissing and stroking and groping for the last however long and now just when it counts, your cock lets you down. Or rather your cock let’s itself down. How can this happen? You ask yourself ‘What’s wrong?’ Well, sometimes there might be something wrong physically, but most of the time it’s in...