f-buddy advice
Sex advice from a sex therapist (part 2)
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help you meet other like-minded individuals for some casual fun. We understand that there is nothing wrong with hooking up or having a no strings attached relationship. Sex is a healthy part of life and is nothing to be ashamed of. This is something that most sex therapists, and one sex therapist in particular, agrees with. If you want to have a better sex life we thought that the best way to do this would be to take advice from an expert. There is a lot of great advice out there on the internet of course, and a lot of it is very good....
Sex advice from a sex therapist (part 1)
If we want to get better at something, listening to the professionals is always a good idea. Rather than trying to work something out ourselves, going to someone who has spent years (or even decades) thinking about that subject and taking their advice on it is always a good idea. If you needed surgery, you wouldn’t watch a YouTube video on how to do it then give it a go! You would go to a professional. So when it comes to sex, I am always surprised that people are often hesitant to go and speak to professionals about how to improve their sex life. Most people who have a fuck buddy or a...
A no strings attached relationship does not mean no effort
Having a no strings attached relationship can be so good for you. For many people, a “monogamous relationship” which should be a force for happiness in their lives, is anything but. Over time, your partner who was previously nice to you can start to treat you badly, all the things about that partner that you previously thought were “cute and quirky” seem to now just be annoying as hell, and eventually, the frequency of sex can be drastically reduced if it is even still happening at all. All of this can lead to an unsatisfactory relationship for both parties. No one is happy.
For men – focus on your photos
This article is aimed primarily at men. When looking for an f-buddy, you come here, you log on and you message some people. Since 95% of the meet ups that occur have been initiated by the guy messaging the girl, men often forget that sometimes the girl is the one looking for the guy! Whilst his happens rarely in terms of the online interaction process, what will happen is that when you message a girl the first thing that a girl will look at is your photos.
As a man you will have spent time sorting out all the parts of your life. Your job, your home set up, your social groups. We...