The general rule of thumb is that a woman wants a man to be a man. By this I mean that as a guy you need to be confident, in control without being controlling and responsive to your partner’s feelings and reactions. In a way it’s a bit of a contradiction to what you often hear many women say in public.
Many girls say they want a man to be caring and kind, but in the bedroom caring and kind just doesn’t cut it and the idea of losing control to a dominant alpha male is a huge turn on for many. But there are women who like to reverse the role and dominate a man in the bedroom.
The Domme
BDSM (Bondage, Dominance, Submission and Masochism for the uninitiated) has been around since Adam and Eve first discovered that sex was pretty damn amazing. Whilst it’s true that many women love it when a man takes control sexually, sometimes those same women like to dominate their partner in the sack as well.
It’s nothing to be frightened or wary of – quite the opposite in fact. Allowing a woman to dominate you sexually can turn both her and you on in ways you probably weren’t aware of.
“Hmmm...how to say this? Well I’ve always been the dominant sort of girl among men. I boss them around, I hit them if they do something I disapprove of and I generally just like to be the woman in charge. Going further into the realm of kink, I’m always drawn to the femdom sort of stuff. I just…all around like the dominating idea.”
The Alpha Female, from ‘The Experience Project’
That quote taken from a woman who is smart, intelligent and powerful shows that there are women who like to be the boss in the bedroom. This also extends into the online world with women who want to dominate online dating and be the Alpha.
The Alpha Female
Fact is that women’s lib has been a great thing for a number of reasons.
1. It has enabled women to speak more freely and openly about their sexual desires and preferences
2. Both men and women feel much more comfortable talking about and seeking casual sex without fear of recrimination
3. Sex is no longer something to be talked about behind closed doors
4. It has allowed both men and women to talk comfortably about how much they enjoy sex
The Alpha female, whilst not to everyone’s personal taste, has been a positive contributing factor to all of this. Feel free to let her test your boundaries. You may be surprised at how much you like it.
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