Sex is amazing. We all know this. It is one of the reasons that having a fuck buddy is such a good thing. Having a life with sex in it, is a great way to just up your overall happiness game. Having a fuck buddy is a way to guarantee sex in your life without all the nonsense that comes with a formal relationship at a time in your life when you do not want it. What you want will change over time of course, but at this time, if you want the sex without the strings attached, then a fuck buddy is the way forward.
So you have your fuck buddy and the sex is good. Want to make it even better for both of you? Try edging.
What is edging?
Edging is where you extend the anticipation of the orgasm by coming close to it, but not going all the way the first time. It means taking yourself and your fuck buddy to the verge of the orgasm but not over the edge, like walking on a cliff edge.
Why edge?
We all deserve a well earned reward, after we have earned it, much more than if we just get handed it with no work or build up. Edging does this same thing. The extended anticipation increases blood flow around the pelvic area making everything more sensitive. This enhances your orgasm and the orgasm of your fuck buddy.
How do I edge?
This is simple. When you are with your fuck buddy or the person you have hooked up with and you are about to orgasm, back off. Slow down. Reduce your stimulation. This can be done by stopping entirely, or by slowing down and moving the touching to other, less sensitive areas. Once you have brought yourself back from the brink of orgasm, begin your approach to it again and building yourself up. You can do this as many times as you like. There will come a point where you will just explode, and that explosion will be more powerful for the build up.
Set it up!
Do not just do this without telling your fuck buddy, otherwise they will think you are odd or feel rejected by you pushing them away just as things are about to kick off! Get them on board with the idea and the process and do it together. You will both be happier for having done it, and it will lead to many nights of slowly increasing pleasure as you get better and better at it.
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