Having a fuck buddy is one of the greatest things that you can have, especially in the time of reduced movement due to covid-19. The coronavirus has made it harder to get around, to meet people, to hook up or form other adult relationships. So if you have a fuck buddy right now, you are probably looking to hang on to them and keep them. Why give up a good thing when there is no alternative waiting in store, right? So what can you do to improve your sex life and help prevent it getting stale? Play some sex games with your fuck buddy.
Paid for sex games
There are a lot of sex games out there that you can buy off the shelf. Some of the best ones for a scenario like this are ones that build over time, that give you a longer term narrative to play through. For example, the card game “A year of sex” is a sexual position card game. Each card has a brand new sexual position for you and your fuck buddy to try out. You can pull them at random of course, but they also have a difficulty rating on them from 1 to 5, which means if you want to start slow and easy and work your way up to the trickier ones you can. The nice thing about this game is that you can look forward to playing it again and again. You can make it your mission to complete the set and do every single one, and that will result in you and your fuck buddy having a lot of sex. What a great result!
Free sex games
If you don’t want to spend the money, or just prefer to be a bit more traditional or want to try something tonight and don’t have time to buy something, there are also plenty of sex games that require nothing specialist to play. If you have an ordinary deck of cards that is a great start. Strip poker is a classic game from your youth, even if you didn’t play it at the time, and is a great way to get things steamy with a slow build. If there are more than 2 of you, spin the bottle is great, and you can play almost any game and agree that every time someone scores a point the other person has to do something sexual.
So if you are looking to keep things going and take it up a notch, try a sex game!
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