Okay so you have decided that you want to be having outstanding sex. I mean you want to be having sex so good, that everything else in life pales in comparison. You job will feel like washing the dishes, watching the TV becomes something you are doing out of habit, not because you would choose to do it over sex, even going to the pub with friends becomes like you are filling time rather than choosing to do it because you really want to be in the pub. All of this happens not because you don’t have good friends, because you have great friends. It is not because you hate your job. It happens because the sex is so good, you quickly grow to become obsessed with having it, having lots of it. You want to be having sex so mind blowing that it literally does that – it blows your mind. For a while all is well, and you are deliriously happy.
You neglect your life & it starts to fall apart at work
You start to flag at work, not completing things properly, not pulling your weight in the same way that you did before. To start with no one notices that much, but because no one says anything your performance deteriorates even further, and then people really notice. They say something, but you don’t pay much attention. The problem is that you just don’t care – it all seems pointless in comparison to the ecstasy of fucking the woman that you are banging at the moment. There is nothing you would rather be doing than nailing her, and now spending time at work seems like time wasted – time that could have been better spent by having the most amazing sex that you have ever had.
Soon your friends take the hit too
You are sitting around your regular table, drinking with your friends from years of companionship, and you have a moment. Why are you here? What the fuck are you doing sitting shooting the shit with your friends when you could be banging your Mrs? Why are you wasting your life? SO you leave early and are rewarded with a fuck that blows your mind. This only cements your new decision. You stop going to the pub. You stop seeing your friends.
She leaves you with nothing – and it was all your own fault
One day you come home – and she is gone. She leaves you for another guy, another guy that she started to fuck a few weeks ago whilst you were still together. She leaves you a note telling you why. She says that you are no longer the guy she had the hots for, that you have gone from being a popular guy to a Billy no mates with no job. She doesn’t want that in her life. So she has gone. That’s when you realise. You screwed it up for yourself. You became so obsessed with how amazing fucking this girl was, you neglected the rest of your life, and in doing so you ceased to the be the guy that she wanted to fuck back. In your desire for it – you lost it all.
This is a fake analogy – but its message is true
Yes this is a story, but remember the message. If you throw the rest of your life away in the pursuit of pussy, you will never be able to hold on to it. Your desire to keep it, will cause you to lose it. Remember this.
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