So I wanted to have a no string attached relationship, I wanted to find someone with whom I could meet up with from time to time, have amazing sex, then not have to think about them afterwards or invest too much emotion in them. This was what I realised I wanted, after a year of being in a quite full on relationship with a girl who was reasonably high maintenance. After months of thinking about this and procrastinating about having to break up with her I finally did it. I was hesitant of course because she was super hot – I mean she had a tight body and a great arse. I really liked her – she was great, and I really wanted to keep sleeping with her. But I though I needed to change things... and change things I did, but not how I expected at all! This is how I massively imporved my fuck buddy in just one day!
First, I got my fuck buddy
I sat and I talked to her, and rather than just break up, I was totally honest about how I felt and what I wanted. I had been warned against this by my friends, telling a girl you are breaking up with her because you want a fuck buddy not a girlfriend is a terrible idea! It is a good thing I ignored them – because it turned out to be an amazing idea! After I talked about what I really wanted, she agreed to change the nature of our relationship immediately to one where we were non monogamous. Sudennly I went from having a girlfriend to having a fuck buddy, and the best part was that my new fuck buddy was as hot as my ex girlfriend, because she was my ex –girlfriend! It gets better...
Then I was honest about what I wanted to do in bed
After a year of sleeping together there were certain things she did in bed that she thought I liked, but actually did nothing for me. So that evening I told her... I talked her through what I really like in bed, and some of the things that I wanted to experiment with... and she was up for it! Suddenly my heart was pumping when I realised that maybe this girl wasn’t as vanilla as I thought! The best part, she loved it! I mean she really loved it. She got all excited again, like she was when we first started having sex. It was great!
Finally – I got a threesome ready to go
The next morning – cuddled in bed, I mentioned I would love to try a threesome. Not only was she up for it, but she had someone in mind!
In just one day, I went from having a girlfriend, to having a fuck buddy, that knew how to fuck me better, and was looking at how to have a threesome with me! Now that was an epic 24 hours!
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