Okay so firstly let’s establish one thing as fact – ALL sex is good sex. Yes you are thinking “what are you talking about? I’ve had bad sex before?!” It is all a point of comparison. If you are having lots of sex, and it is good, then having sex that is not as good to you may well come across as “bad”. However to someone who hasn’t had sex in ages, any sex is great sex. Any drink to the thirsty man is the wine of the gods to him. So if you are lucky enough to be thinking you had bad sex, you didn’t really, you’ve just had better sex in your time so by your warped standards you are dissatisfied with it. All sex is good sex, there is no bad sex. Just different flavors. Like ice cream. Everyone likes ice cream, right?
So there are all sorts of different flavors that you can get. There is comfortable regular sex, the kind with someone you have slept with a million times before, then there is first time awkward sex, when you are still feeling each other out (or feeling each other up!). There is skilled smooth sex, there rough and ready sex. There is rushed, quick needy sex, there is slow steamy take your time sex. There is teasing sex, tough love sex, tiny penis sex, tiny vagina sex, hard sex, painful sex, gentle sex. There is sex where it is just throw away fucking, then there is also meaningful love sex, when you are trying to express more than will ever come across in a small space of time. There is cold sex, there is hard sex, there is warm and comforting sex like a big hug. Sex can be used as a way of building confidence, of making someone feel great about themselves and the people around them. It can also be used as a tool of abuse, of genuine (not playful) punishment. It can be deployed to cause as much lasting pain and hurt as it can pleasure. Sex is like a blank piece of paper – it is untapped potential. That paper can be used to write everything from a love letter to a suicide note. It’s versatility is unlimited.
If you think that your sex has gotten old and tired, perhaps it is just because you have stopped exploring. You have ceased to push the boundaries of what can be discovered through it. Get going, and try and change the flavor of sex. You won’t regret it.
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