It’s now 2014.
There is no escaping that fact, which means it’s time to knuckle down and work hard in all aspects of your life, especially when it comes to your sex life.
So following the immense Christmas blow out we sat down and tried to come up with a number of resolutions you can try in order to enhance your chances of meeting the right fuck buddies for you in 2014 and get the sex life that’s right for you.
1. Spontaneity
This came top with both the men and women in the office. Both parties want their sex partners to be more spontaneous in and out of bed. Try doing something completely out of character in 2014 and see where it leads you.
2. More Sex Talk
Hot on the heels of being more spontaneous, sex talk was cited as one of the things women and men want each other to do more of this year. If you’re worried the talk will feel weird and just not comfortable, remember to laugh when you do it. Laughing will help you both get over the awkward phase which is commonly experienced and enable you both to advance your sex talk to the point of no return.
3. Try messaging people you normally wouldn’t message
Ever wanted to talk to the girl who you thought was way out of your league, or the bloke you didn’t think would respond in a million years? What are you waiting for? One of the top complaints from women was that not enough men made genuine approaches online or off, so try talking to the girl and ladies, don’t be shy in telling a guy what you want.
4. Increase the Kink
When you first have sex with someone it’s hard to know what they like and don’t like…until you try it. Make 2014 the year you get your kink on. Try anything and everything with your fuck buddy to see if you can click on a new level. Blindfolds, handcuffs, visiting an S&M club or Kink party together…if you haven’t done it but always wanted to – do it.
5. New Positions
If you’ve been stuck on your favourite sex position there’s nothing wrong with that, but make 2014 the year that you try something different. You might find another position that will rock both your worlds.
Have a sexy and Happy New Year!
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