Pornography has been around for centuries. Don’t think that porn only became prevalent with the rise of video and the internet. From Victorian England to Ancient Greece and Rome, porn has been a part of human culture since we first learnt how good sex can feel. Images and role playing fantasy was first brought to notoriety by ancient Greek philosophers and if you think some of today’s hard core porn is strong, you have no idea how hard core the Greeks were. But is porn healthy? And if it is, when does porn become too much porn?
Using Porn as part of sex
Two studies published in 2008 and 2009 revealed that many people viewed porn as having beneficial effects in a relationship. Couples who viewed pornography together either as a precursor to or during sex reported on feeling more sexually satisfied than those who did not view porn. From this perspective porn can be a positive experience and healthy for the human libido. But what if you view porn as a single person?
Using Porn when single
Believe it or not an equal amount of men and women have viewed porn in the past decade. The studies concluded that singe people who view porn on a regular basis sometimes have difficulty in developing significant intimate connections with a potential partner. Whether or not this is due to reality proving different from fantasy is contentious. However using porn to explore developing sexual desire (for example during puberty) can be helpful in settling on sexual preferences. Anything from homosexuality to polygamous relationships can be explored with the aid of porn.
Too much of anything can be bad
Like anything using porn too much can have a significantly negative impact on your life. It can become an addiction as serious as any other and like any other it can be treated. The trick is in knowing and then admitting to having a problem. Porn addicts become unable to establish physical and emotional connections with other people so if you think you can still have lots of sex with other people when you’re watching 8 hours of porn a day, think again. It severely affects the libido.
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