Let me start by saying that this is a tribute article to all the sexy people that are out there in the world! Sex is great, and whenever you have sex, you are also giving the gift of getting laid to someone else at the same time. This means that you can legitimately say that you are “only have sex to help people” – and helping people is always a good thing, right?
Sex is wonderful. It brings a lot of happiness to the world, and to the people that are having it. I often wondered if world peace could be achieved by some kind of action that allowed everyone to have more sex. I mean, if everyone was getting laid, would we really have time and energy to also go around trying to kill and conquer the world? My thoughts are that we would be too busy, well, having sex!
In the run up to actually having sex, there are all sorts of ways that someone can turn us on. In many ways the little moves that people make outside of sex are more “sexy” that the ones that they make whilst having sex! During the actual act of having sex, you are too much “inside” it to be able to notice and really appreciate the little things that they do. Outside of sex however, that is where people can really shine. I am going to draw on direct experience, at the risk of this all getting really personal. Here are a list of some of the sexiest things that someone has done for me outside of the bedroom.
The Kiss – bite
There is nothing more sexy than a great kiss. Whether it is the soft, warm gentle kiss that is like a hug, or the hungry needy kiss that comes from desire, kisses are just great. So my favourite kiss move -the kiss bite. When they kiss you, then as they pull away they half bite down on your bottom lip, pulling it with them. It says, “I want to fuck you” like nothing else.
Dressed – just for you
If someone dresses just for you, makes all the effort just for you, there is nothing sexier than that. I once had a girl who painted her nail polish so that it was the same colour as her underwear. It matched none of her out clothes, but it looked great with her in just her bra and pants. This was amazing because it was all for me. It hit my ego spot like nothing else, and was damn sexy!
Effort, with your pleasure in mind, not theirs
On a birthday, a girl once did a ring around and threw me a surprise birthday party. It was all the effort and I got to turn up and enjoy it. There was nothing like it, made unbelievably happy at the time, and thus was super sexy. She got laid big time that night.
So there are my top three! What are yours?
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