causal sex
Climbing Your Sexual Peak
Buddha once observed, “Inner calm cannot be maintained unless physical strength is constantly and intelligently replenished.”
Buddha’s observation is more relevant to hitting your sexual peak then any observation of age, and maintaining your physical health can have a huge affect on your sex life.
The Traditional & Medical Views
It has long been held that men hit their sexual peak in their teens – usually around the age of 18 – when testosterone levels are at their highest. Erections are more frequent and hard and sex pretty much invades the mind...
Our newest members: Tashii the size queen
Please welcome our latest member Tashii. She falls into a specific category, the size queen and she is not shy about it. She lists as her primary interest ‘Big Cock’, not that she doesn’t have a more varied and sophisticated pallet, for example she seems to also be keen on anal and rimming.
But given the choice and by the way she starts her profile with the phrase ‘I neeeed Big COCK’, you can see she has her specific priority. All the other activities in the world are unlikely to make up for lack of size in the downstairs department. At the tender young age of 20 Tashii seems to...