dating tips for men
Pick one day a week to be your dating night then stick to it
Whether you are dating casually, looking for a serious relationship or out for a quick hook up or a one night stand, constantly being on the search can be tiring. There are now so many opportunities and avenues that one can use to try and meet someone, but this also means that it can overload and cause dating burn out. There are the websites with full profiles which take a lot if time and effort to engage with. On the other end there are the apps which are much easier to start with, a quick swipe left or right and you are done… but then the messaging can also take quick a lot, and for men...
Even more top sex tips for men
So you already have your fuck buddy, or you are very confident of getting one. You know that it is only a matter of time again before you are in the sack getting it on with someone lovely. It could be that you have a friend who you are eyeing up to turn into a friend with benefits. Perhaps you have a couple of coffee meets lined up through the f-buddy website already. Or maybe you even have a threesome planned. What ever the reason, you know that sex is on the table.
So now you turn your attention to having better sex. This is so that you are more likely to have more sex with the...
Found a fuck buddy? Five top tips to have better sex
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help you find the fuck buddy that is already out there seeking you! All we do is help you meet up, from there nature will take its course and before you know it you will be having to budget separately for condoms to ensure that you can afford them and still pay the rent!
So you have found your fuck buddy. Here are some tops tips for men on how to have better sex with them.
Talk about sex, a lot
There are moments when we might find ourselves trying to communicate the most subtle and intricate of instructions, but we...
Hooking Up Tips for Men from Women
Believe it or not, there are still a surprisingly high number of men fucking it up when trying to approach women for casual sex. Some guys still think that sending a picture of their cock is an all access pass to a woman’s vagina. Some guys still think that it’s attractive to talk about how rich they are. Some guys think that if they jack hammer a woman’s vagina she loves it.
Well we’ve received some tips from women who use this site for men that use this site. Follow these tips well guys and you might just stand a better chance of hooking up tonight.
1. Don’t...