Don’t be Afraid of Your Fetish
Are you:
- Turned on by pregnant women?
- Aroused by feet?
- Constantly thinking about how you would tie up your partner and spank them until they scream?
If one of these fetishes sounds like you, call 0800 - … just kidding. If one of these fetishes sounds like you, don’t worry. Everyone has a kink whether they’ve discovered it or not. It might be as simple as enjoying sex more by an open fire. It might be as complicated as licking someone’s feet from under their desk whilst masturbating. Whatever your fetish may be, we’re here to help and to tell you that you...
Sexual Fetishes
Sexual fetishes are a fascinating subject to most of us. We are not only interested in what we want in the bedroom (or outside the bedroom, or in a lift, or in public depending on your fetish!). We are also fascinated by what other people are into. We love hearing about other people’s sex lives, and we see this in all aspects of our society. We see it on television, with story lines focused and revolving around peoples sex lives, relationships. We see this in the office, where the most gossiped thing is the latest movement of whom is having sex with whom. We also spend a lot of time and...
Is There a Problem With Vanilla Sex?
To say that someone is ‘kinky’ or ‘vanilla’ is to ignore the wide and varied world of fetishes and sexual preferences nestled under the umbrella term of ‘kinky’. Simply put, it’s hard to say someone is truly vanilla or kinky. Everyone is different and everyone has different ways to enjoy their sexuality. Just because you enjoy being spanked does not mean you are into BDSM. Just because you enjoy having sex in the missionary position, does not mean you only enjoy having vanilla sex. As a culture, humans are obsessed with labelling things. You have to fit one label or another or we...
Do we all have a kink?
It’s the question that a lot of people want to ask, but hardly anyone tries to answer; do I have a kink? There are many reasons you never get an answer. You’re too embarrassed to think about it, you think you’re the only person in the world who feels the way you do…etc etc. Hopefully you’re smart enough to know that you are not alone at all. Everyone has different sexual preferences and many people have what we call ‘kinks’. First of all it’s worth clarifying what we mean by ‘kink’. Basically having a kink is having a sexual fetish of some sort. Basically it encompasses anything...
Why Fifty Shades is Bad for Bondage
The release of the hotly anticipated movie of the badly written book about bondage is here! In it you’ll find:
• Unrealistic depictions of BDSM!
• A plot line that tries to make women think it’s okay for a guy to hurt them as long as they’ve signed a consent form
• Lessons teaching young women that men will run away unless you let them hurt you
What. The. Fuck?!
Yep. Fifty Shades (I read it!) really does contain all the material I mention above and more! Experience awful dialogue! Repetition of the same words and phrases...
How to try bondage for the first time
“I want you to tie me up and do me hard!”
Those words are often music to a man’s ears! But what if you’ve never tried bondage before? You have no idea how your partner wants you to tie them up. You have no idea how they want you to ‘do them’ once you’ve tied them up. What if you cut off their circulation? What if they laugh at you once they see how awful your rope tying skills are? All these questions have plagues every man’s mind whenever the subject of bondage is brought up and they’ve never tried it.
Conquer your fears
Bondage is nothing to...