fuck buddies
Tips for sleeping with a fuck buddy for the first time
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place we help you find a no string attached relationship. Adult dating has become more acceptable by society as time has gone on. In this time of social distancing and the Coronavirus, having someone that you can hook up with, without having to devote time and resources to outside of the bedroom, has become more important than ever. We all need sex, it is an important part of a healthy and happy life. However, we don’t necessarily need all the attachments that traditional society tells us come with that sex. If you want a relationship, you can have...
Friends with benefits 2011 film
The 2011 film friends with benefits with Justin Timberlake and the oh so hot Mila Kunis was billed when it came out as a RomCom. Having now seen it, I would call it more of a ComRom if anything! The focus is on the comedy elements and infact the film itself does a really good job of taking the micky out of Romcom’s as a genre. During the film they have a section where they watch a romantic comedy, which is a heightened version of one. It is infact the worst most over the top romantic comedy ever, with all the cliche’s you would expect from the meeting under the clock at the train station...
How To Be The Perfect Fuck Buddy
Having a fuck buddy can mean different things to different people. Some people define a fuck buddy as just someone to have sex with once in a while. Others define a buddy as someone to have sex with but to also occasionally hang out with and help out with household stuff. The problem people often have with choosing a fuck buddy is that their definitions often differ. Below is a quick guide on how to be the perfect f-buddy, ensuring that you get the best out of any situation.
1. The Approach – Be Direct and Honest
The good thing about F-Buddy is that you...
What makes a woman sexy?
Just looking at the many issues of Cosmo, Marie Clare and dozens of other women’s lifestyle mags is enough to give me a headache. Snarky sections of the media might have a go at us for ‘peddling casual sex’ but you only have to look at any of the above mags to know that all they do is talk about sex. It permeates every page. The top question that editors keep asking in many of the feature articles is what makes a woman sexy? It’s a fair question, but one that doesn’t have a straight answer. Men find different things sexy in a woman so we’ve tried to collate the top answers.
Casual Sex: How to protect your feelings
Despite what millions of porn videos and films would have us believe, it is not that simple to distance emotion from sex. We’re all human beings and as human beings, we feel things. It only takes one little negative reply or text to get even the most jaded cynical person in the world crying into their hanky like a little boy. We bolster ourselves up and convince ourselves that we will never become the person who gets hurt in a casual hook up or romance. Yet we almost always do. The rare exceptions are those people completely incapable of opening themselves up to feeling. They try to...