fucking fun
Fuck like you are going to die tomorrow
In modern times we all live quite measured and careful lives. We get up, have a morning routine that we rarely break from. We go to our regular jobs, do a similar thing all day long, eat lunch in the same place, talk to the same people, before heading out at the end of the day. We then perhaps go and grab a drink in our regular place, before going home to watch the same TV show and have our usual meal. In amongst this somewhere, we have sex. It doesn’t matter where in your routine you do this, the thing that always happens is that the sex becomes regular. It becomes routine, and routine is...
Make your sex sessions film like for a super star fuck
We cannot ignore the influence that films have had on the way that we have our sexual relationships. Many fantasies are based on things that we saw in films (usually when we were younger). I know an English girl who has a massive lift fetish because of a film she saw when young, Indian girl who has a massive waterfall fetish because of Bollywood, and recently the upside down kiss has become a thing for the next generation due to the Spiderman scene. Men in masks has always been a thing that has fuelled the sexual fantasies of both sexes, from the actual masked balls in the Victorian era...
New years – great sex is guaranteed
We are heading to the end of the year, and what a year it has been. This year we have seen the economy over all start to get better, gay marriage was made legal and millions of Americans now have access to free healthcare. The changes have been huge and widespread, and will be felt for decades to come.
New years is the time of evaluation. Where am I, what have I done, where have I been and where am I heading to? With all these questions people naturally return to themselves and inevitably their romantic and sexual relationships. Who have I slept with? Who am I sleeping with? Who...