hooking up
Hooking up on Halloween
Halloween is a long-standing celebration that dates back nearly two thousand years. According to its Celtic roots, it takes place on New Year’s Day. On this day the barriers that separate those living on the Earth and the dead become thin and easier to cross, and so it is on this day that ghosts, spirits, demons and fairies are said to walk the Earth. Dressing up as a demon was a way of disguising yourself as one of the undead, and thus avoid their wrath! If they do not recognise you, they won’t hurt you. It made a lot of sense if you accept the belief system behind it. They also offered...
Hooking Up Tips for Men from Women
Believe it or not, there are still a surprisingly high number of men fucking it up when trying to approach women for casual sex. Some guys still think that sending a picture of their cock is an all access pass to a woman’s vagina. Some guys still think that it’s attractive to talk about how rich they are. Some guys think that if they jack hammer a woman’s vagina she loves it.
Well we’ve received some tips from women who use this site for men that use this site. Follow these tips well guys and you might just stand a better chance of hooking up tonight.
1. Don’t...