how to keep your woman
Being honest with your fuck buddy
Having a fuck buddy is fantastic. Getting sex on tap is one of the most self-evident advantages, but there are much more. You can be open and honest with a fuck buddy about what you want and what you like in the bedroom. That honesty is partly fuelled due to the lowered stakes that are created without the expectations that are attached to a more traditional relationship.
When you are in a monogamous, long term relationship where you are merging your lives outside of the bedroom, there is much more pressure to be and act in a certain way. There are also much higher stakes if the...
Over investing can cause you to lose your woman
You meet
One day you meet someone. Perhaps you meet them through work, maybe you meet them whilst on a train or a bus. Lots of people are meeting people online, through dating sites or more progressive websites like f-buddy. It doesn’t matter how you find someone, but let’s say you find a woman.
Things Progress
Things move along nicely. At a speed that is comfortable to you, you hug, then kiss, then you are fucking her. The sex starts off as okay (as it usually does with a new person) but then this quickly progress’s along to being...